Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE POPSICLES. I try not to eat them too much because #sugar, so I got stuff to make my own a couple summers back and I am obsessed. Basically an ice pop is …
Like I mentioned in my last Whole30 update, I have been eating Chia Seed Pudding for breakfast. It’s a good distraction from too many eggs, and it is quite filling. I’d imagine it’d be a tad better with some sugar …
Hey chickens! Another week, another breakfast in bread post I did for Joie de Vivre Hotels! This week’s recipe is all about brain food, inspired by the smartest hotel I know of: The Epiphany Hotel in downtown Palo Alto. It’s flush …
It is literally 98 degrees inside of my apartment as I type this to you, so it is with much heat-induced desire that I bring back these Fig + Coconut Popsicles I made last summer. They are creamy, sweet, and …
Happy Friday, you guys! We know we sound like broken record when we keep saying how hot it is in LA, but you guys it’s like one thousands degrees here and we just can’t get enough popsicles. We love coming …
This grain-free banana bread recipe is moist and delicious! GMS originally made it as an Easter dessert treat, and it was so good, we knew we had to highlight it on the blog. The original recipe for plain coconut banana …
We love trying new things to make grains more exciting, and this coconut basmati rice with peanuts, fresh peas, and pea tendrils is exactly the kind of thing we can’t resist. I had a dish similar to this at a …
After craving a warm, nutritious meal on short notice, Aaron and I decided to buy a myriad of ingredients and try our hand at homemade curry. We enjoyed our recipe so much we’ve made it multiple times now. This recipe …
It’s the holidays, which is always a fun time to experiment with baking! Even if you are a mostly paleo-eater, you can still enjoy holiday cookies. I decided to try out cashew flour for the first time and make myself, …
Ever since turning to a mostly paleo lifestyle, I have found myself constantly learning new ways to cook with common foods, which has forced me to expand my culinary horizons, so-to-speak. Today’s post is dedicated to a common food that …