Hey chickens! Another week, another breakfast in bread post I did for Joie de Vivre Hotels! This week’s recipe is all about brain food, inspired by the smartest hotel I know of: The Epiphany Hotel in downtown Palo Alto. It’s flush …
So, you guys, I am assuming, have been to the mall in your area. I am sure that you have a forbidden treat that you love to get at the mall – pretzel, hot dog, frappuccino, you name it – …
So a while ago I got a sample of teff from someone somewhere, I cannot remember where or who. And I was like, “WTF is this?” and then put it in my cabinet and promptly never looked at it again. …
Happy Monday! Well, as happy as a Monday can be, amiright?! For my last summer breakfast in bed post (don’t worry, there will be more!) I whipped up some breakfast that is the perfect representation of the Saguaro in Arizona. …
Whew! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of new things and setbacks, but I am hoping after this heat spell (starting today through Friday, LA get your fall on already!) we’ll be back to normal around here. In …
Hey chickens! Apologies for the slow week last week – I sprained my wrist last Monday and was a little slow to the computer – not to mention, it’s been 90+ degrees in LA all week…can you believe it? We …
Over the summer, I spent some time making delicious recipes for the Joie de Vivre hotels, and I wanted to share them with you guys here! So for the next few weeks, expect a weekly breakfast-in-bed post, which I hope …
You guys, sometimes working in food is magical. Recently, I was thinking to myself I wanted to try the Pioneer Woman’s cobbler again with self-rising flour, instead of making my own, because I always find that the cobbler is a …
These pancakes have been popular. They’re easy. They’re delicious. They’re paleo! And they only have a couple ingredients. So they should probably be your go-to breakfast. Originally posted in 2013 by Ellen, I think everyone needs a reminder on how …
I love banana bread. I used to make it all the time back in the day (before GMS existed and I used my personal blog as a cooking blog, too.) Then I stopped eating bananas circa 2010 because they were …