This year’s Whole30 was the easiest by far. We knew the rules backward and forward, and I wasn’t pregnant or nursing Evie every 3 hours, so I wasn’t hungry all the time. PROS: The Whole30 is always a sure way …
Hi folks! I am back, ish. Evie’s almost 11 months old (how the heck did that happen) and I am slowly but surely navigating motherhood, working freelance, breastfeeding, being home most of the time, and trying to keep everyone’s hands …
Fall is here, and we’re reminding you of this delicious recipe we made because you guys, we deserve it. Fall is our favorite season, because the temperatures in Los Angeles cool off, we can finally turn the oven on again …
It’s September, and I literally can’t believe it. I’m due in a month you guys! A month! This month’s post is based on my renewed love for breakfast foods. I am obsessed with all bready breakfast foods and I can’t …
Pregnancy is making me so into breakfast, specifically bread-heavy and sweet breakfast, you guys. I made this French Toast following the folks at King Arthur Flour. I have their “All Purpose Baking Cookbook” and it’s become my new go-to to …
Part of my Whole30 was finding good breakfasts, as I might have mentioned. So I would often have a smoothie – easy to make, easy to store, and easy for the ride into work! I like my smoothies a little …
Today’s breakfast in bed recipe comes with a fascinating back story for a brand new hotel by Joie de Vivre. 50 Bowery in Manhattan is a new hotel with an old soul; built on ground that’s held a beer garden, …
I have a love affair with making my own granola. I just can’t imagine a better breakfast than granola and some milk or yogurt. I make it a little different every time, and I always find better and more interesting …
Happy Fall, everyone! It’s Jennie, from Garlic, My Soul, here and today I’ve got a new recipe to go along with an awesome new hotel, The Troubadour from Joie de Vivre! Opening soon, this hotel is in New Orleans in …
Today, I have a recipe for you for my series Breakfast in Bed for the Joie de Vivre Hotels. I am always making avocado toast, and thought this was the perfect pair for a most perfect hotel, the Hotel Vitale in …