It’s Kale Season here at GMS, and we thought it’d be appropriate to bring you some savory dishes from around the web to enjoy this hearty green.


First, we’re anxious to try kale with mustard sauce again. We made it for Cucina Fresca, but we haven’t made it much since (except over the holidays when we made this Smitten Kitchen recipe with mustardy kale).

If you’re looking for a meal with a kick, try our Kale and Sausage Fettucine, which I still am dreaming about.

If you’re into smoothies, try this one packed with kale, guaranteed to make breakfast much more interesting.

Need more ideas? Check out the Food Network’s 11 Healthy Kale Recipes.


Hello Folks!


Well the Super Bowl is right around the corner! Now even though my beloved Patriots failed to succeed in the AFC championship, doesn’t mean I won’t be enjoying the festivities of the day. It is a day of competition. A day of coming together with family and friends and sharing in a memory. But most importantly it is a day about snacks and booze. My favorite all time Super Bowl snack is always going to be Buffalo Wings. I can’t explain why, but I just love them. I decided to try my typical recipe, but this year put a little brown liquor spin on things. By infusing bourbon, one of my favorite liquors into the cooking process I got a snack that is not only enjoyable, but multi-layered and if you have the time it may help you become the party favorite at your Super Bowl tradition!

Stove Top Temperature: Medium Heat

Oven Temperature: 350 Degrees

Servings: 4 (Obviously if you are going to a big party, make a few batches)

3 pounds of chicken wings
1 ½ cups of bourbon
1 can of Coca Cola
1 ½ cup of hot sauce
1 ½ tsp. of black pepper
1 ¼ tsp. of red pepper flakes
1 tbsp. of soy sauce
1 ½ tsp. of salt

First thing you want to do is clean your chicken wings. Don’t get your guests sick with salmonella poisoning! Then you want to prep a baking sheet. Be sure to layer a decent amount of olive oil or butter, whatever your preference, to the cooking area – you don’t want anything to stick. Once you have prepped the baking sheet, go ahead and preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Now while the oven is preheating, put all your ingredients into a large pot, and put on the stove top on medium heat, allowing everything to simmer for several minutes. Once the juices and meat are sizzling, remove the chicken wings with tongs from the pan and place them on your baking sheet. Allow the rest of the ingredients to continue to simmer in the pot. This will thicken up the sauce that will eventually go on your wings. Put your baking sheet into the preheated oven and let the chicken wings sit in there for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, take the chicken out of the oven and use your tongs to move the wings from the baking sheet to the large pot, where your liquid ingredients should still be simmering. Let the wings sit for a few minutes until everything starts to sizzle again. Then you will repeat the transfer from pot to baking sheet to oven. You will repeat these intervals another 6 times. This allows for the fat from the chicken to help thicken your sauce and for the hot sauce to infuse into the chicken as it cooks.

Once you have moved your chicken from pot to oven 6 times and allowed the contents of your pan to simmer you should have chicken that is ready to be pulled off the bone and a sauce that has a wonderful viscosity and great taste. The bourbon you will notice adds a wonderful softness to the spicy wings – a hint of charred oak and even some vanilla.

Turn your stove top off and mix your chicken wings in the pot with your sauce. Be sure to mix it well so the sauce really layers on top of the wings. Once you have done that and given everything a few minutes to settle, put those wings on a plate, grab your favorite beer and enjoy the game!

Remember wonderful readers that the Super Bowl is a time for celebration, but know your limits. Too much alcohol can lead to a very bad time and serious consequences so please as always drink responsibly.

Good Spirits Folks!


It’s no secret that I’m a huge Harry Potter fan, so I leapt at the chance to spend a weekend with friends in Orlando and visit the Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studios. Naturally, Harry Potter themed treats were a necessity. So, I made my own version of cauldron cakes!

DSC_6486Since these treats needed to survive a plane ride, we had to get a little creative. I’ve seen a version of cauldron cakes that involves making a chocolate cupcake and scooping out the center to fill it with pudding or whipped cream. Those look and sound delicious, but not very travel-ready. So we made ours more like a cookie.

DSC_6507Start with a peanut butter cup cookie recipe like this one. Essentially you make a cookie in a mini-muffin tin and pop a peanut butter cup in right as you pull them out of the oven, so it creates a slightly sunken cauldron-like shape.  Let them cool before the next step and consider freezing them for a few minutes to avoid crumbly cookie pieces. Also, if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can use a piece of licorice (we went for chocolate flavored licorice) to form a cauldron handle, but only about half of our handles stayed in once the cookies cooled.

To make little cauldron “feet” we dipped the bottom of these cookies in melted chocolate and set them on chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. Why chocolate covered pomegranate seeds? We were out of chocolate chips. If you plan to make these, definitely use the chocolate chips. They’re much more reliable and uniformly sized. Afterward we let them freeze overnight to set the chocolate.

DSC_6496Then came the final flourish — filling the cauldron cakes with “magic potion.” I made three colors of icing glaze and filed in the indentations of each cookie to cover up the peanut butter cup. To make it a little more fun, I mixed my icing together with a toothpick to give it a marbled effect, then topped with a few sprinkles!

DSC_6474They were a little worse for wear after 8 hours of air travel, but these little guys were a hit with my fellow HP fans! My friends and I shared and compared our various craft projects which included these cakes, ginger snaps (aka “Weasley snaps”), homemade Hogwarts house scarves and robes, and homemade wands! Someone remarked that it felt like we were preparing for a small child’s birthday party, not a girls’ weekend, but it just goes to show that you’re never too old to have fun and appreciate a little magic!

Read this post and other nerd-tastic delights at Fanboy Comics!


Sliding into the second month of the year, it can be a struggle to stick to resolutions, and the grocery store doesn’t make it easy to navigate the healthy world. Items claiming to be healthy, low-calorie, low-fat, low-sugar…the list goes on and on. How do you know what to eat and what to leave behind? Let’s decode some of the labels and talk about how to get through the grocery store fast without a headache.

First off, I always separate my grocery store into 5 sections: produce, meat, dairy, shelf, and freezer. I grocery shop at Trader Joe’s most often, so I start in the produce section, but start where it makes sense for you – usually, it makes sense to start with the shelf, then work your way to the cold sections of the store, ending with meat, which should be kept the coldest. This way, you’re not running back and forth throughout the store, running back to get this or that.



We use this pad to keep track of meals, as a jumping off point for our grocery shopping, then write the list for the store on the back. Make yourself a similar list to track exactly what you need when you head to the grocery so you’re not left mid-recipe without a key component.

Now, let’s talk about a few food-industry labels. First off, ingredient lists on the sides of boxes are in order starting with the most used ingredient and down to the least used. A word of advice – when learning the terms of the trade, stick with this general rule: compare to the original version to the one you’re looking at to see the difference in ingredients, nutrition, etc.

Another few to watch out are:

Light: Usually you’ll see “light” on salad dressings, mayonnaise, yogurt, dairy, etc. It can mean light on calories, but sometimes the difference is made up with sugars or other chemicals so the taste isn’t comprised.

Low-fat: This means somehow, there is less fat. Watch out for this one, too, because like “light” usually the flavors are made up in another way – something could have no fat but be chocked full of sugar.

“Made with Real Fruit”: Don’t trust the claim – check the ingredients. If the fruit isn’t within the top 3 ingredients,  you may not be getting what you expected.

Multigrain v. Whole grain: Multigrain means there are several grains included, however these may not be whole grain. Whole grains are more nutritious, so look for whole grain items (again, check the ingredients!)

Natural v. Organic: Natural doesn’t have a definition from the FDA, so be wary of this claim. Organic usually refers to how a plant or animal was raised and harvested, but doesn’t make the food healthier or less caloric.

Do you have other labeling questions or grocery store tricks and tips?


When I was home over break, we did our fair share of cooking. We cooked the Feast of the Seven Fishes, we cooked from the Smitten Kitchen cookbook, we ate fistfuls of kale on the regular, and we even cooked a recipe my dad found lying around the Internet.

Unfortunately, I forgot about those pictures until I was cleaning off my cards yesterday, so without further ado, here is a delicious recipe that I made when I was in Chicago that my dad found. We were slightly skeptical (I think because chicken cakes sounds gross…it should be called chicken burgers, much more appealing) but they ended up being SO FREAKING GOOD I WANT THEM AGAIN NOW.

ahem. Sorry. Onwards…


So basically, you start by making some avo mayo, which is the best thing ever to spread on top of a burger, patty, cake, or any other round-shaped item. Avocados should be in everything (Sorry, MB, I know your allergic.)


Good, you’re halfway to dinner that’ll make everyone happy. Pat yourself on the back.


You then make your cakes/burgers, using only amazing ingredients: bacon, chili, onions, lemon zest, chicken, thighs, breadcrumbs, thyme, olive oil, and s/p.


You grind everything once before adding in the breadcrumbs, and then shape them into patties. I left my dad do that.


Serve with salsa and kale, and a kale salad, too, for good measure. And potatoes, if you have some lying around, or quinoa.

I know this dish looks weird, but I promise it’s awesome and everyone loved it. You should probably make it for dinner and invite me over. Thanks Dad for finding the recipe and making dinner for us – it’s always a treat to be cooked for instead of being the one behind the stove!
