I love a good yogurt-marinated chicken recipe, but I am terrible at planning ahead. I always think about using yogurt at the last possible minute, when a marinade is no longer an option. Well, that will never happen again, because now I can make this simple, flavorful chicken recipe in under 30 minutes.

DSC_0106You’ll find the full recipe here, but the steps are fairly simple. Saute some garlic in olive oil and cut up your chicken. Before adding the chicken to the pan, coat it with your herb mixture — in this case coriander and chili powder — and let it brown on all sides.

DSC_0092Add some fresh grated ginger while you brown your chicken, then add a little red bell pepper and maybe some sliced mushrooms.

DSC_0102Add a little fresh tarragon, yogurt, chicken broth, and tomato paste. Then, let the whole thing simmer at least 8-10 minutes, and taste for salt. Give it longer if you’ve got the time, but don’t be afraid to dig right in. The results are mouthwatering either way!

DSC_0114What are your favorite faux-marinade dishes?


Since going gluten free over 4 years ago, I have found some GF frozen pizzas and even some go to pizza dough mixes that I enjoy, but never a stromboli.  Recently, with the aid of Bob’s Red Mill GF Pizza Dough mix, I attempted my first stromboli, with mouth-watering results.

First, make your dough whether from a mix or from scratch.  On a well floured surface roll the dough into a 9” x 6” rectangle of equal thickness.  My rectangle was not perfect as my dough was overly sticky, but it all eventually worked.  To counteract the stickiness of the dough, I slowly added some all-purpose GF flour in small increments as needed until the dough was workable.


Leaving an approximately 1” border, add cheese and fillings.  We used shredded mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan cheese and both pepperoni and salami.  For a first stromboli we figured we should really go for it and include as many delicious elements as possible.

Next roll the dough and fillings jelly roll style, folding under the ends.  Place it on the baking sheet seam down.  GF dough can be fragile, so roll slowly and carefully.  My dough tore in a couple of places while rolling, but it worked out in the end.  If there is a tear on the top of the stromboli, you can patch with extra dough from the ends.


Bake at 375 degrees for approximately 35 minutes or until golden brown.  Cut approximately 1-1 & 1/2” slices.

Serve with a side of sauce for dipping and enjoy!


In the future I would like to try a spinach and chicken or a veggie stromboli.

What do you put in your strombolis?


Here in Los Angeles, it’s been a frosty 50 degrees (and below!) and we’re a little cold, here, but luckily it’s National Soup Month, so we’re warming up with creamy soups, chunky pasta fagioli, some slow and some in less than 30 minutes! Without further ado, here are our favorite Top 6 Soups!

Number 6: Kale Chicken Soup 

About a year ago, I made some chicken soup with my fave new veg, kale. It helped me feel  better, was full of vegetables, and of course lasted us a few meals – my favorite kind of dinner!

Number 5: Cream of Potato Soup 

Jeff loves Potato Soup, so I’ve made a couple recipes over the past few years, trying to get it to taste like his favorite restaurant’s. This one really hit the spot for a hearty, creamy dinner that is easy to make and can use whatever veggies you have lying around that are almost on their way out.

Number 4: Curried Golden Beet Soup

A couple years ago, we were up to our ears in beets. We love ’em, but worry (well, I worry) about dying everything in my house red, so we opted for golden beets – they taste great, but they bring less chance of ruining your kitchen towels. This soup was a little spicy, full of flavorful spices, and nutritious, too!

Number 3: Potato Leek Soup

Corelyn made this delicious soup last winter when she was living back east, and I am so sad that I missed eating it…I might have to make it myself shortly. Another soup full of veggies, creamy, flavorful, amazing.

 Number 2: Pasta Fagioli

This is an Italian favorite that I always loved when my mom made for me. It’s full of garlic, beans, savory tomato, and pasta, and is good with a delicious crusty bread. It is better the longer you let it simmer, and it’s good for as long as it lasts (which might not be long if you’re anything like our house!)

 Number 1: Pumpkin Ginger Soup

Maybe I’m bias because this is the soup most recently in my mind, but this pumpkin ginger soup was amazing, easy, and unexpected. I love pumpkin, I love ginger, and the combination of a spicy yet sweet soup was a great dinner, and lunch the next day – just remember it gets thicker and spicier the longer you have it!


 We hope you find an excuse to make soup soon – if you live in California, the unseasonable cold weather should convince you, and word on the street it’s unseasonably warm everywhere else in the US (which is a cool 55, our temp here, too) so you should make some soup anyways!


  • 1-14 mystery dinner
  • 1-14 bonfire picnic
  • 1-14 tree bonfire
  • 1-14 bonfire
  • 1-14 london
  • 1-14 cooking veggies

It’s been a while since our last weekend snapshot, so I thought I’d include a few highlights from the last several weekends.
Just before the New Year, Jennie and Jeff took part in one of Mary’s family traditions. The mystery dinner!
Last weekend, we began 2013 with one of our favorite Los Angeles traditions – the Christmas tree bonfire. We set up a nice picnic and even lit up one of the 40 trees we collected with twinkly lights before starting the bonfire.
Across the pond, Rebecca is settling into her new surroundings and exploring London!
And it’s been back to business as usual the last few days. Jennie and I had an all day cooking extravaganza on Saturday. Just like old times.


Happy Friday, everyone! Here are five posts guaranteed to help you with your healthy eating/clean eating goals!

1. A list of new products to try in your kitchen! I definitely want to try out freekah, and we love colored quinoa around here!

2. I dig a new take on a quesadilla, and the PW never leads us wrong. Adding veggies to each meal is a great way to get your five in each day. I want to try this Butternut Squash and Kale one, coming to a plate near you, soon!


 Source: Pioneer Woman

3. Speaking of clean eating, the FDA past a few new rules to help the produce and foods we eat stay clean through the process of harvest, from field to fork. Here’s an article to help you decipher the new rules.

4. This week, Goop covered super foods you should most certainly add to your diet. And who doesn’t love a big old list of things you actually CAN eat?

5. How delicious do these Turkey Lettuce Wrap Tacos look? I think I might just need to add them to the rotation for dinners.

Happy end-of-the-week, friends – cook your hearts out this weekend!
