Hey kids!

Going into the weekend, I wanted to give you a head’s up on some trends I’m trying. For you, really, to tell you if they work (at least for me) and give you my opinion on these health crazes.

Two trends I’m currently trying are:

1) Drinking 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar every morning in 8 oz of water as a morning snack. ACV is supposedly helpful in suppressing your appetite, as well as lowering cholesterol, help with heart burn (which I have), and help clear up allergies (which I also have.) I’m on Day 2, so we’ll let you know how it goes.

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2) Putting 2 tbsp of ground flax seed on my morning yogurt/oatmeal combo. Flax seed contain omega-3s, help with inflammation, improve blood sugar, keep your heart healthy, and are full of fiber (read: appetite control, do we sense a theme?) I’ve been doing this on and off this week, but I’ll be more diligent and report back next week!

One trend I am going to try very soon?

Gluten free flour from Trader Joe’s. I saw this last night for the first time, and am excited to pick some up and see how it compares to others I have used. Corelyn and I were at TJ’s last night, and I tried desperately to explain to another man there what this meant for us (cheap gluten free flour! no more speciality stores! freedom!) and he started talking about the 60’s and how grains are bad for us, and I was said something about corn, and he was like, “We’ll be here all night,” and I was like, “Don’t even get me started about corn.” Basically what I mean is: TJ’s people are good people. They are MY people.

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Any trends you’ve been into lately? Let us know in the comments! Happy Friday.


Our dear friend Ana became a US citizen last week at about this time, and we couldn’t have been more excited! Ana is from Colombia, and we met her in LA by way of friends from college (the fact that Ana and I attended college together but missed the opportunity to hang out is so tragic!)

In order to properly celebrate, we had a party, and Corelyn and I made her a coconut cake (something she loves) with a big old Colombian-American Flag on it. We are so excited that Ana became a citizen, and that we got to share the memory with her! She loves our President (as I do) and when he was giving his inaguration speech, he said something that immediately reminded me of Ana:

But the words I spoke today are not so different from the oath that is taken each time a soldier signs up for duty or an immigrant realizes her dream.

We are glad we got to be here for you to realize your dream, Ana (and we’re pretty sure the president was specifically talking about you!)


On Ana’s actual day of citizenship, we met downtown at the Convention Center to watch her say her oath and get a celebratory lunch – champagne was in hand!


On Saturday, we celebrated with cake and friends near and dear to us! Here is Ana’s Colombian-American Flag Cake! (We used the recipe for coconut cake from the Joy of Cooking.)


At the party, Ana quizzed people on the citizenship test questions – some of them were pretty hard!

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And of course, I dressed in Colombian colors for the occasion (Corelyn’s idea!) Thanks to Jeff for the photos, and thanks to Ana for becoming a citizen – we’re so excited you can vote!!



The Superbowl is this weekend, and like every year, it snuck up on us. If you’re also in need of some last minute game day snack ideas, we can help you out.

guacamoleFirst up, my personal guacamole recipe. Now when I say, recipe, you should know that I use the term loosely here. Think of these quantities more like suggestions than hard and fast rules, especially if you like your guac with a little more heat or maybe a little less salt. Go crazy, and enjoy!


3 large avocados, or 5 – 6 smaller ones.
Roma tomatoes, diced
6 – 8 green onions, chopped
jalapeno, seeds removed and finely chopped
limes, for the juice. I usually use about 1½ limes
2 tsp salt, taste as you go! You might want to use more or less
2 tbsp fresh chopped cilantro (or just grab a handful and taste as you go)

~ variations ~

Add fresh minced garlic or red onion for more of a bite.

Add yogurt or sour cream for a creamier flavor, especially if you need to stretch the recipe to feed a few extra hungry people. Here’s a hint: Don’t tell anyone if you add one of these, because sour cream and yogurt can both be polarizing ingredients and they won’t be able to taste it anyway.

Add or substitute a dash of cayenne pepper or chili powder if you’re short on jalapenos.

ProTip: Leave one of the avocado pits in the bottom of your guacamole to keep it green. I don’t understand what magical molecular gastronomy makes this happen, but it really works!

ReverseSliders10-4Sliders also make a great Superbowl snack. Try our Jack Daniels Sloppy Joe Sliders or these Bacon-Wrapped Sliders. We can attest that both are sinfully delicious.

And you can’t go wrong with Bourbon-Glazed Buffalo Wings like these. Try dipping them in our Garlic Goat Cheese Dip to take them to the next level.

What are your go-to game day recipes?


Hey there chickadees!

I hope by now, everyone’s settling into the week.

Last Saturday, Ky and I decided to spend an afternoon at the movies (because my LA pals, it’s cold here in Chicago), and afterwards, we grabbed lunch and brainstormed What To Cook Next.

After discussing our options (stir fries are for babies, we decided quickly), we tried to land on something healthy-ish.

Since we were eating chips & guacamole during this brainstorming session.

Eventually, we remembered that we’d seen a recipe for vegetarian shepherd pie in Bon Appetit.

After confirming with Ky’s iPhone (you guys, my phone barely even turns on these days), we put together a list of what we’d need on a paper napkin (we’re resourceful Chicagoans, you see), and headed to Whole Foods.

Everything was going perfectly.

And then, after hauling our bounty home and pulling up the recipe, it happened.

Recipe-related Anxiety.

I love to cook. And I love nothing more than winging it.

But for some reason, when someone puts a recipe in front of me, all my creative juices are sapped, and I panic.

There are directions and I must follow them, I think.

This is when Ky usually gives me a stern talking-to while waving some kind of kitchen utensil at me.

Or smashes a potato in my face.

But we’re not there yet.

Anyway, in case you are the kind of person who can look at a recipe and still get creative, we used this one.

Here are a couple things we did differently (I admit, there may be more- but that’s the point, right? Mix it up!):


We used 2% milk, because that’s what we had (and we’re really into using what we have) and also sea salt, because again, it’s in my pantry.

I don’t believe in bay leaves (I don’t like to cook with anything I have to fish out of my food later), so those were out, and we saw no reason to specialize our soy sauce, so we used what was in my fridge.

As far as some of our riskier moves, we went without the dried porcinis, because you can only get them around here at Whole Foods and they’re something like $6 for a couple ounces.

We figured there must be a cheaper, just-as-efficient way to do this.

Which meant we also eliminated the white wine in favor of red, which has more flavor.

And which we were already drinking anyway.

We also ditched some of the cubed vegetables for a head of bite-sized chopped kale, because we just really dig kale.

But aside from that, we kept it on track.

The point is, you guys, it’s okay to deviate from the plan.

Make your own plan!

I should follow my own instructions.

We started by chopping up everything, because honestly, there was a lot to chop and we wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

We slid the potatoes into a hot oven, and left them to roast while we continued what felt like the indentured servitude of chopping.


Next to hit the oven were the cubed root vegetables (we chose carrots, turnips, and a butternut squash).


Next, while Ky tried to deal with her butternut squash-deformed hand, I threw some lentils, water, and garlic into a pot.


We kept chopping.

I kept feeling like we were off-path.

Ky kept calling me a sissy.

She was right.

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Since I obviously couldn’t handle work on the fly, Ky figured out how to build a mushroom-y sauce without porcini-broth while I re-read directions and panicked.

Onions, extra mushrooms, and lots of red wine seemed to help.


At this point, the potatoes were ready to come out of the oven.

Said the recipe.

Things to note: I may not have been keeping time appropriately, and also, I may not have been accounting for the fact that the potatoes were sharing an oven with other vegetables.

In other words, it is not easy to mash raw potatoes.

Which is what it turned out I was doing.

When I cited the recipe as being the reason I had taken them out and tried to pretend like maybe the potatoes weren’t actually raw, Ky removed one from my bowl and shoved it in my mouth.

Which was crazy thing to do.

But, I admit, she was right.

And that’s what’s important.

I learned something.

Learning something, however, didn’t deter me from mashing still-raw potatoes, since I’d already added butter and milk.

And here is an embarrassing clip of the state in which I found myself:

Mashed Potatoes

At least, chicks, I amuse myself.

Eventually, after my spud-induced breakdown, we took all of our components, and layered them together like this: lentils, squash, peas (also an addition), kale, mushroom sauce, and then, the massive pile of sort-of-done potatoes.


After exhaling a big sigh of relief that everything managed to fit in one pot, we were finished with the assembly.

We tucked the pie in the oven, turned on Breaking Bad, and drank the rest of our wine.

45 minutes later, we were greeted with this:


And after digging in (let it rest awhile, it’s molten, as Ky would say), we had a delicious, nutritious twist on classic comfort food.


And no, I don’t know why I took this picture on a dirty stove top.

Maybe I was trying to be real.

Or maybe the combination of wine and anxiety was too much for me.

I’ll let you decide.

In any case, if you have a friend (or two), sharp knives, a good playlist, and some patience, this is a delicious meal for a weekend evening.

And it yields more leftovers than you could ever imagine.

Just maybe check those potatoes before you start adding the butter to the bowl.

  • 1-28 dutch oven
  • 1-28 empenadas
  • 1-28 coffee

Well they can’t all be winners. Last weekend we made treats for a very special celebration in honor of our friend who recently became a U.S. citizen, and in honor of her Colombian heritage we thought we’d try to make empanadas.

I will say that we had a wonderful time at the party, and we were pretty pleased with our half U.S. and half Colombian flag cake and with the guacamole that we made. However, these empanadas – while perfectly decent – did not live up to the Garlic, My Soul standards.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some, and you always drink massive amounts of coffee the morning after a big bash. Happy Monday everybody!
