Happy Friday, y’all! We wanted to share with you some delicious photos taken by Amen Photography of our Summer Solstice Garden to Table Feast that was held last weekend! These are our Proscuitto Pear Bites, and the Zucchini Crudo we …
Last weekend was the summer solstice and we had the chance to celebrate with some of our favorite blogger friends. The incredible Kate of Farmhouse38 put together a beautiful event at her home and invited a few of us over to …
Strawberry season has us pulling out all our favorite strawberry recipes, both sweet and savory. It’s the perfect time to put berries on absolutely everything! We made this couscous dish with strawberries, spinach and caramelized onions for the first time …
This is a post from Eva, but great minds think alike: we sure are on an avocado kick over here! This is a delicious dish, but just a note: it WILL brown after a day, but don’t fret – it …
Strawberry Spinach Salad was really popular a few years back, with a poppyseed dressing. Simple, classic, and delicious. But then came arugula, and kale, and rainbow chard, and for a moment, people forgot just how good spinach is. We’re here to remind …
Summer is slipping away over here on the west coast….are you losing it, too? In honor of one last great summer bounty at the farmer’s market, we decided to bring you a recipe to use up those zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, …
I don’t know about where you are, but in Los Angeles, it is HOT HOT HOT. Because the heat has been so bad, I have been ignoring all my house duties (read: not cooking, or cleaning, or organizing…) and instead …
I got it in my head this month that I was going to rekindle my love with tomatoes. You see, the last couple summers, tomatoes and I were…rocky. I would think of how ripe, juicy tomatoes tasted on a sandwich, …
Jennie and I made a triumphant return to the Hollywood Farmers’ Market last weekend, and we only had eyes for tomatoes! There was such a bounty, and we could not resist. We bought all shapes, sizes, and colors and let …
You guys, it’s high-blueberry season. And blueberries are having a bumper crop, which means they’re cheap, they’re plentiful, and they’re EVERYWHERE. Which means I bought a two pound box of them, and then promptly had to find a use for …