This is Ms. Ellen Tremiti’s first post for us on GMS. Ellen has been an influence in the cooking at GMS for years, first being a vegetarian, then slowly reincorporating meat into her diet, and now following a mostly paleo diet. Ellen’s adventures hopefully will help you to learn more about making good choices in your life, and learning about how food influences your mind, body, and soul. While neither Jennie nor Corelyn are paleo, we are excited to learn more about this diet along with our readers.

Hello world! This is my first post for Garlic, My Soul as a contributing blogger, and I am honored that Jennie and Corelyn asked me to be a part of the team! I’ve been inspired over the years by GMS: their love of cooking is unparalleled.  After knowing Jennie and Corelyn for years, the obvious question may be “Why now?” The answer is, I have changed my eating habits since last summer, and the journey I’ve been on has taught me so much about food that I just have to share!


I started working with a trainer once a week last summer and he challenged me to question my food choices. The biggest question he had for me was, “Am I eating clean?” Eating clean? I hadn’t heard of that phrase before then.

Eating clean, according to Clean Eating Magazine, is the consumption “of food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. It is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation, leading to an improved life, one meal at a time.”


Every prepackaged food item (pop tarts, frozen meals, a lot of cereals, candy, soda, pre-made store juices, the list goes on) is unclean. These items are made with preservatives and often times, include high levels of sodium, sugar, as well as high fructose corn syrup. These days, it is up to the consumer to check labels because any company, no matter how healthy their platform appears to be, may be cutting corners to save money on cost at the expense of your health. Instead of purchasing foods that have been processed to high heaven, it is fairly easy to make your own version, or, to find a natural alternative.

I began cooking a lot more and eating clean foods for snacks, such as nuts and fruits. I cut down on dairy and breads and focused more on lean protein. So, for me, it really was a no brainer when I sat down with one of my best friends from home, and she told me about her journey into Paleo eating. Paleo eaters also eat clean, but in addition, they do not consume dairy or grains.

According to Practical Paleo Living, the paleo lifestyle “centers around the idea that our bodies have not adapted sufficiently to eating foods that weren’t available to us 10,000 years ago. We put so much processed food into our bodies […] The advances in agriculture and mass food production have caused us to move away from eating real food; food meant to work with our bodies for optimal health. A paleo diet involves eating meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, little starch, some fruit and no sugar.”


Months later, I feel better than ever, and I am stronger and leaner than before. I don’t crave the foods I don’t eat the way I thought I would. I use substitutions, such as almond milk, and I’ve even made my own ketchup (the ketchup we see everywhere is made with high fructose corn syrup). One of my favorite meal items is homemade sweet potato fries, and I keep a lot more healthy food in the freezer, such as frozen shrimp and veggies.

If you’re looking to make a change in your eating here are some tips:

  • In you’re an Instagram user, check out @Mealprepmondays or @Fitmencook
  • If you’re interested in shopping paleo, try buying the “Is it paleo?” app for your phone for .99 cents. Check it as you shop and it’ll help you learn if you get stuck!

Thanks for reading! I’m excited to share healthy, paleo-friendly recipes with the GMS community!


Some of you may recall that I was excited to receive a new hand-me-down cookbook from my momma at Christmas. She gifted me with one of her extra copies of Diet For a Small Planet, a 1971 cookbook by Frances Moore Lappe which includes a recipe for one of my favorite breakfast treats.

Garlic, My Soul | Wine Bread Cheese and Thou

I remember the first time my mother made this for me. I thought it sounded like a typical mom recipe. It’s called Wine, Bread, Cheese and Thou, for goodness sake. That sounds more like the name of a Simon and Garfunkel song than a breakfast dish. But inevitably, my mother knew best, and I quickly came to love this lazy Sunday treat.

Garlic, My Soul | Wine, Bread, Cheese and Thou

The simplicity of this recipe is part of its beauty, since the whole recipe revolves around the  assumption that you’ll use whatever wine, bread, and cheese you happen to have lying around. In fact, stale bread and the dregs of an old wine bottle work best.

All you do is make a roux then add some cheese until it is a thick sauce. It just takes a a little milk, butter, flour, and your cheese of choice. We used Fontina because it is divine.

Garlic, My Soul | Wine, Bread, Cheese and Thou

Next, sprinkle some crusty bread with your wine. Personally, I like a lot of wine, but do what you feel in your heart. Scoop some of your cheese sauce onto each bread piece and then bake until the cheese begins to brown.

Garlic, My Soul | Wine, Bread, Cheese and Thou

And that, my friends, is all there is to it!

Be sure to share with friends, loved ones, houseguests, or whoever else you have nearby. They are good, but they are rich! A couple pieces is all you need, but it will be hard not to finish the whole batch.


Today’s Sweet & Caffeinated adventure takes us mid-city to Larchmont Blvd! Honestly, up until a couple of months ago, I had no idea that the Larchmont Village area even existed. Thank goodness I do now! It’s pocketed between Melrose Avenue and W 3rd Street and is peppered with adorable shops and restaurants. Larchmont Bungalow is one such establishment, and it’s where I enjoyed a quiet breakfast with a friend on a cloudy Sunday morning.
Garlic My Soul | Larchmont Bungalow
First things first – beverages! I decided to try a mint mocha espresso, whereas my friend, Jess, opted for tea. Clearly one of us has a bigger caffeine addiction!
Garlic My Soul | Larchmont BungalowGarlic My Soul | Larchmont BungalowGarlic My Soul | Larchmont Bungalow
This was the first time I’ve chosen a mocha beverage over a vanilla latte, and let me assure you, it did not disappoint! The mint flavor was a perfect touch.
Garlic My Soul | Larchmont Bungalow
I ordered the Vegetarian Egg White Scramble, sans roasted red peppers. No, I’m not a vegetarian…but anything that comes with fresh mozzarella, zucchini, asparagus, mushrooms, and sun-dried tomatoes is a must-have. I also opted for fresh fruit instead of breakfast potatoes, but immediately regretted this healthy decision after seeing some go by our table! Garlic My Soul | Larchmont Bungalow
Garlic My Soul | Larchmont Bungalow
I rewarded myself for giving up the breakfast potatoes with a piece of their apple crumb cheesecake. It was incredible. Balance, friends. Garlic My Soul | Larchmont Bungalow
I should also mention that Larchmont Bungalow has a number of gluten-free items on their menu, especially in the sweets department. Anyone looking for a gf whoopie pie? Go here.

What’s your favorite breakfast spot mid-city?

** Disclaimer: Is has come to our attention that there is a pending lawsuit against Larchmont Bungalow regarding their permitting, of which we weren’t aware at the time of publishing this article. We apologize if anyone finds the promotion of Larchmont Bungalow offensive. We believe in good business, and following the law is imperative to good business, as is community, and community support. We will continue to follow this lawsuit, and encourage you to do the same and come to your own conclusions about whether or not to patronize this restaurant. **


We’re thrilled to announce that our gluten free Snickerdoodles are being featured today over on Yummly. Melissa and I made these because who doesn’t love a Snickerdoodle?


These were delicious straight from the oven – moist, not crumbly, great with a cup of coffee. They were also amazing a few days later, as I ate through them one by one, finding things to reward myself for so I could have another one.

snickerdoodles4 snickerdoodles2Head over to Yummly for our recipe – we hope that you make these soon – and maybe think to invite us over?

What is your favorite type of cookie warm from the oven?



Best salad ever: red leaf lettuce, goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, avocado, and pesto chicken.

What’s your favorite salad?
