This year’s Whole30 was the easiest by far. We knew the rules backward and forward, and I wasn’t pregnant or nursing Evie every 3 hours, so I wasn’t hungry all the time. PROS: The Whole30 is always a sure way …
HEYYYY YOUUUUU GUYSSSS!!!! Our good friend and ex-ex-pat Becca has moved back to LA! We were talking about starting up her kitchen here again and this led to a discussion about what should be in your kitchen – the basic, …
Hi folks! I am back, ish. Evie’s almost 11 months old (how the heck did that happen) and I am slowly but surely navigating motherhood, working freelance, breastfeeding, being home most of the time, and trying to keep everyone’s hands …
Well folks, I’m still getting a hang of this whole Mom thing! I’ve been home since Evie was born, which has been great (hello mostly pump-free living!) but also having an infant means you’re never really, you know, thinking to …
THE LAST 10 DAYS We’ve made it to the end of another Whole30! I can’t believe it, and yet this one I REALLY STRUGGLED THROUGH. I think it was a combination of eating whatever I wanted for the past year …
Well folks, we’ve made it past Day 20 and I’m here with an update. Like last year, I feel like the back part of a Whole30 is rougher. I’m not sure why that is, but I’m definitely missing some thing. …
Well we’ve made it a third of the way through Whole30 and we’re still at it. I confess, yesterday might have been my hardest night, but we’ll get there. The first ten days, I’ve been eating a lot of fried …
Hey folks! Long time, no talk. I’ve been not really cooking as I have a tiny baby who needs my attention most of the time, but I’m hoping to fix that in 2018. In the meantime, recently I made some …
December! Although you wouldn’t know it from the weather here in LA, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! Our tree is up, the stockings are hung, and I’m ready to bake cookies and celebrate the season! One of …
November! Thanksgiving is here! I cannot wait to celebrate Evie’s first Thanksgiving. We’re working away around here getting this little human bigger, and soon enough we’ll be posting here regularly again. In the meantime, I know you guys need a …