Well folks, I’m still getting a hang of this whole Mom thing! I’ve been home since Evie was born, which has been great (hello mostly pump-free living!) but also having an infant means you’re never really, you know, thinking to yourself “I have a bunch of free time.”
Luckily, Evie’s starting to nap more regularly, so I am working on getting back into the world of cooking and photographing. Daylight Saving Time will help with this (hello sunshine until 7 pm) so stay tuned – I’ll be back and talking about feeding an infant soon. Hope that doesn’t bore you too much! She’s almost six months old (WHAT) and so we’ll be working on introducing solid foods any day now. I cannot believe it.
ANYWAYS I am here to talk about a smoothie.
A few weeks ago, I had a MASSIVE cold and as it turns out when you’re sick you don’t get to take a sick day from your baby. So I quickly turned to my usual cold remedies (hello turmeric tea & garlic honey by the spoonful) but also wanted something to soothe my aching throat. Enter this delicious & easy smoothie. Really I love all smoothies because they are so easy to put together and make you feel like you’re drinking health.
I used what I had around – an apple I knew I wouldn’t eat another way (I just don’t like green apples but they came in my farm box), orange & lemon from my trees, and ginger and cayenne for health. Plus spinach for an earthy taste, and per usual I used coconut water because it just gives me life!
The recipe is below, but use what you’ve got lying around, and experiment with the ginger and cayenne levels – s’all about what you can handle (and I can’t handle a lot.)

- 1 large orange, peeled
- 1 lemon, juiced & zested
- 1-2 tablespoon grated ginger
- 1 pinch cayenne
- 1 green apple, cored & chopped
- 1 water (or coconut water)
- 1 cup spinach
Chop all veggies as noted above.
Combine spinach and water in the blender. Add all other ingredients and blend until smooth. Add water to make desired consistency. Serve room temperature or chill 30 minutes before serving.
[addtoany] Yum