Happy Friday, folks! We’ve made it once again to a weekend. High five yourself!
This past weekend was my first downtime since the beginning of April, so I saw two movies in theaters with Jeff, slept in, and read a bit. Now I am in for a weekend full of cooking up delicious things and getting back into the kitchen (provided the weather cooperates and it isn’t 90 degrees in my house…again.) Anyways, here are five things I’ve been thinking/reading/looking at this week:
1. I am listening to the Bully Pulpit on audiobook, and it’s read by Ed Herrmann! Since he past away at the end of 2014, I have been sad to live in a world without him, and this feels like a tiny gift from the universe. Plus, at 35 hours long, it’s good to like the voice of the reader, am I right?
2. This article from Mark Bittman about farmers, and how we need more of them. I am telling you, if I could work as a farmer for a commitment of 5 years and that meant my student loans would be forgiven, I would do it in a heart beat. HEAR ME MARK? OBAMA? I am ready to be persuaded!
3. Guys, I have such a girl-crush on Kate from Cookie + Kate. Her Quinoa Black Bean Tacos look amazing and I cannot wait to make them and report back. I love finding reliable vegetarian bloggers because sometimes I just feel guilty for eating all that meat (it’s not great for the environment!) and I want to help out but still be full. Anyways, check her out, she’s fantastic.
4. This tour of the Le Creuset Factory has me wanting even more pieces for my kitchen. I love cast iron and I love that they used recycled pieces for this! My Dutch oven could be an old railroad iron from Germany or France or Italy, that someone once road on adventuring in their own life. It’s whimsical, really. Plus, look at all those colors!

5. This succulent illustration that I saw on Tumblr. I love California, but sometimes I must greenery, and with the recent drought, it’s been hard to find something green to look at. But I have about 10 succulents on my tiny porch that all came from one plant (Merv!) and I like the idea of someday having an entire garden of these weirdos.
So that’s what I am up to, loves! What are you doing this weekend? What are you reading? What are you planting? What are you eating? Holla atcha girl!