A few weekends ago, Andrew and Jeff were shooting Andrew’s movie. In Corelyn’s apartment. Which obviously left us no choice but to hang out all day. So we did what any good wife/girlfriend would do: made mocha brownies (from our PW challenge) for the boys.

The boys, lately, have been disenchanted with PW after the “This doesn’t take like meatloaf I’m used to” debacle. So we wanted to redeem. (Which we did, last night, with mashed potatoes, steak sandwiches, and tomato soup, but that’s another post.)

There was only one problem. They were shooting. Downstairs. We made the joke that we’d merely “sit in the kitchen, then.” Boy, did we not realize how accurate that was going to be. Sunday morning found us sitting in the kitchen, barely moving, deciding what we could cook. Mocha brownies. We could do that.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh but a mixer. Hmm. Now, most people would probably stopped here, said “Screw it!” and gone to the library or the coffee shop or on a walk. Not us, though. We plowed through. Just like the PW would do.

Luckily, we had a plan. Jeff had given us a walkie-talkie. So, clearly, we were just going to listen in, until they said “cut” and then we would use the mixed until they said “camera ready lights ready something else ready that Jennie can’t hear because she’s too busy telling corelyn to CUT THE MIXER.”

I added coffee while listening.

Ellen was there, too. We had convinced her to skip yoga and come over to make brownies, and then we went for a walk, instead. And after our walk, the brownies were cool enough to frost.

Also, we made potato pancakes while we waited.


I started a fitness blog for some of my family members.

Here it is!


Corelyn and I have been doing this PW Challenge for 3 and 1/2 months now, and with the PW comes buttah. And lots of it. In the midst of public awareness about exercise and obesity, we’re realizing slowly that in order to eat gobs of buttah on a regular basis, we should PROBABLY step it up and work out.

This Monday, we went to the gym with our friend Ellen. We signed up for a seven-day pass, and we headed to “Zumba” class. For those of you who don’t know, Zumba is like Latin dancing, only a workout. I was very nervous about this class, as I have never danced before. (except for when I was in high school and we did Swing Dancing in history class and I got to dance swing with  a few attractive Mormon gentlemen as well as some of my high school boys, and that one time when I was a little kid and Nikki and I took dance classes at school and at the last minute I had to be in her dance group because they were down people and I did it all wrong.) Corelyn, on the other hand, had, and so I was nervous. Luckily for me, class got canceled, so Corelyn and I decided it’d be a good idea to weight lift. Right?

We did the leg press, some triceps/biceps, calves, thighs, etc., etc. Between the two of us we worked out most of our bodies, huffing and puffing, talking about when we were younger and could do more. “I used to be able to leg press like 500 pounds, in high school, you know.” Which is true. I did, once, leg press 500 pounds for one rep when I was a sophomore in high school. When I was 15. Nearly 10 years ago.

Anyways, Tuesday was a little more successful. We did yoga class, which was good because we were sore from acting like we were in high school again. The yoga was relaxing, and we (or at least I) enjoyed our teacher, who kept the pace up and the encouragement up, too. Tonight we tackle TurboKick — Kickboxing. I don’t know exactly how this will go, since I am not that coordinated, but I did take kickboxing with my friend Erin in high school, and my friend Lauren and I went through a Billy Blanks phase, so I think I’ll be alright.

Wish us luck!


The Pioneer Woman: Some more recipes.

This coffee mug is a little small for all the coffee I like, but it is perfect for cutting biscuits. Yum yum yum.

Corelyn was in charge of the meatloaf, yum yum. Although, I must say, it wasn’t the best meatloaf ever, but we’re working on it.

Seven down. We’re getting them done.


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