As a small digression from my standard format here, I made these Thor-sized cereal bars in an effort to bribe Thor into becoming an icon for cultural awareness. I just want to see a children’s book or Archie-style comic entitled …
We’re on a small fried food kick here in the GMS community. Fried foods make my southern soul indescribably happy – harkening back to grandma’s kitchen, county fairs and a stint in which a part of my job involved deep …
Do you ever end up with a half of bag of kale about to go south and you feel like you’ve had a kale salad for every single meal since last Wednesday? We felt like that last week, and it …
Is there a better way to hash out your feelings and de-stress than with friends over a glass of wine in the kitchen? In the GMS kitchen this week, we discovered that the only thing better is to add, “while …
We have a little trick up our sleeve to help you get more bang for your avocado buck. Next time you can only get your hands on that one last truly ripe avocado in the grocery story, but you’re hoping …
You guys, we had a wonderful weekend with King Arthur Flour and a bunch of other new blogger friends (hi friends!) and I am excited to share more with you about it, but in the meantime, I wanted to share …
Although it’s cooled off in Los Angeles, and I have heard from afar other people are still getting snow, I am determined that spring is coming and everyone will have sunshine soon. To help you out until that’s a reality, …
When you’re told your stomach can no longer digest gluten, your food life flashes before your eyes. As my doctor spoke those fateful words, I was physically looking at her but was seeing everything I loved and could no longer …