Posted on by recipes

Pandebonos | Garlic, My Soul


1 heaping cup yucca flour (which you can find as tapioca flour/starch in most grocery stores or yucca flour in Hispanic supermarkets)
1 heaping cup pre-cooked white corn flour (harina de maíz blanco precocido)
1 big spoon sugar (Colombians measure in big spoons and small spoons)
1 big spoon salt
1 egg
2 cups queso fresco (Ana asked for the freshest)
Heaping ½ cup melted butter
2 cups milk


1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
2. Mix the flours, sugar and salt together. A mixer with a dough hook is best but you can do it by hand if you fancy a small workout.
3. Add the egg.
4. In a separate bowl, pull the queso fresco apart until it is a fine consistency. Ana suggests a blender but you can also use two forks and a little extra time.
5. Mix in the queso.
6. Incorporate the melted butter (not too hot, so as not to cook the egg). Then, gradually add the milk while mixing, until a spongey dough is formed.




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