In case you didn’t see on Instagram this week…Jeff and I are finally, finally moving! Into a house! With a backyard! And a garage!
Homeownership is a big step and we’re excited to dive into this one head first. We’ve been looking for a place for a few years, and we’re glad we found a place that feels right. So, we’re packing up all our stuff and getting ready to leave Mansfield, where lived since 2008.
Back then, we barely had money to buy couches, and the first event we hosted at our house was our annual Yankee Swap Christmas Party that we hosted sans anything to sit on – guests sat on the floor. We’ve hosted pizza nights, Christmas parties, birthdays, movie nights, dinner parties…and everything in between. We’ve suffered through seven summers without air conditioning. I’ve done yoga on the strip of floor between the door and the bookshelf just as long, and worked in the tiniest kitchen developing recipes with Corelyn since 2009.

We are so excited to upgrade to a bigger space, but I would be lying if I said I am not sad about leaving this place I’ve called home for so long. It was our first apartment together and the one where Jeff and I called home through our engagement and first year of our marriage. Here are just a smattering of photos of our friends at events through the years – pizza nights, Easter brunches, Christmas parties, birthdays, you name it, it’s all been done here.

I love these action shots – rather than anything posed and perfect – because they show us and our friends in the moment – laughing, enjoying, eating, happy. Jeff is most likely behind the camera in all of them, and for that we are all grateful.

This last one is a selfie of Cor and I before selfies were cool. Before we had iPhones. It’s circa 2009, and we put it up on the blog because we didn’t care about photos or post-production editing, or really anyone looking at the blog. We just cared about building our friendship, our wheelhouses, and maybe having a little fun along the way.
Moving is really exciting and I cannot wait to have a kitchen that I can use in a larger capacity. Here are a photo of it as it stands – we are going to do some reno, so I’ll be posting along the way so you can see what we’re up to!

SO anyways, all of this is to say: I might be quiet over here for a bit, you guys. I’ll try to keep you updated but the new house needs a new kitchen, and so while we’re figuring out how to get that completed before Thanksgiving (heaven help us!) I won’t have a space to develop recipes for you. I will be active on Instagram (girl’s gotta eat!) and I’ll try to keep you up-to-date on what we’re doing in the kitchen – I can’t wait for the reno to start (and finish!) so that my dream kitchen that can fit more than two people will finally be realized.
Thanks for getting it. Now, I’m going to go finish packing up – we’re moving tomorrow – happy Friday!