Wrapping up Thankful Saturdays

Posted on by Corelyn

It is now December, which means our 30 days of thanks challenge has come to a close. It was surprisingly difficult to remember to be thankful for something every single day, and I won’t claim that we always succeeded. But the difficulty probably proves that it was a good idea to challenge ourselves in this way.

This week we finished up the week being thankful for homemade dinner, for a surprise gift that Jennie received in the mail, for modern conveniences and modern medicine since both Jennie and I fell ill, and then for Jeff who stayed up until 2 AM to make us pizza dough for an upcoming birthday celebration. Last night, we met with the rest of our LA GMS team and were thankful for all that they do for us.

I’d say 30 Days of Thanks was a success, despite the number of days we forgot about it, because it reminded us to spend this whole month of Thanksgiving being grateful for each other, our friends, our families, our blessed lives, and life’s little everyday surprises. We’ll pick this one up again next November!

Did you participate in the 30 days of thanks challenge? How did it go?



[addtoany] Yum


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