Weekly Roundup: Kale Me, Maybe?

Posted on by Jennie

It’s Kale Season here at GMS, and we thought it’d be appropriate to bring you some savory dishes from around the web to enjoy this hearty green.


First, we’re anxious to try kale with mustard sauce again. We made it for Cucina Fresca, but we haven’t made it much since (except over the holidays when we made this Smitten Kitchen recipe with mustardy kale).

If you’re looking for a meal with a kick, try our Kale and Sausage Fettucine, which I still am dreaming about.

If you’re into smoothies, try this one packed with kale, guaranteed to make breakfast much more interesting.

Need more ideas? Check out the Food Network’s 11 Healthy Kale Recipes.


[addtoany] Yum


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