Weekend Snapshot: A Big Weekend!

Posted on by Corelyn

The holidays are here, and with the circumstances surrounding this weekend, we were more mindful than ever of the importance of holding our loved ones close and celebrating our many blessings. In this spirit, Jennie made some of her italian spice cookies to share and headed to the beach for a bonfire farewell party for London-bound Rebecca. Then, the evening turned into a double celebration when Jeff and Jennie announced some very special news. Congratulations to them both!

Sunday, everyone got down to business and helped Rebecca with the last of her packing and moving! She had lots of help from our friends, including a silly Melissa modeling the latest in basket-head fashions. When the job was complete, everyone posed for a picture and brought this lovely friend-filled weekend to a close.

How are you celebrating the season?


[addtoany] Yum


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