Soft Boiled Eggs with Avo Toast

Posted on by Jennie

Soft Boiled Eggs | Garlic, My Soul


2 eggs
1 avocado
1 slice of bread


1. To soft boil your eggs, you simply place them in boiling water for five minutes. If you want them a little harder with the yolk just setting, aim for six minutes. Make sure you have a small bowl somewhere around to put your eggs in, then run them under cold water for a minute or so to stop the cooking.
2. While your eggs are cooling so you can peel them, make your toast. Toast your bread to your desired darkness.
3. Cut your avocado in half, then into slices in the skin, then cut the other way so you end up with dices. Scoop the avocado out with a spoon and smash onto your toast. Salt and pepper lightly.
4. Now your eggs should be ready to handle – peel them gently, so you don’t crack into the yolk. Then, top your avocado toast with the eggs, and salt and pepper lightly here. Enjoy!




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