Cook time: 10 minutes
Prep time: 10 minutes
Oven temperature: 450 degrees
Servings: 3-4 main courses, more for a side
1 chicken breast
1 can black beans
1/2 head broccoli
2 medium bulbs fennel
1 lemon
1 cup farro
1 tsp turmeric
olive oil
1. Chop up cooked chicken breast, broccoli, and fennel.
2. Cook farro according to the package directions.
3. Put broccoli and fennel, drizzled with olive oil, in oven at 450 to roast for 10 minutes.
4. Drain beans, juice 1 lemon.
5. Put farro, roasted veggies, lemon juice, chopped chicken, beans, and spices in a bowl. Mix well and serve hot or cold.