Leftover Easter Eggs: Cobb Salad

Posted on by Corelyn

For a lot of people, us included, the week after Easter means finding ways to eat through all those hard-boiled eggs that you dyed on Sunday. If you’re struggling to incorporate eggs into your meals and the thought of another egg salad sandwich just doesn’t excite you, may we suggest a Cobb salad?

GMS Cobb Salad | Garlic, My Soul
The basics of a Cobb salad are hard-boiled egg, chicken, avocado, tomato, blue cheese and bacon. In this variation, we swapped out sunflower seeds for the bacon to mimic that salty crunch in slightly healthier way.

GMS Cobb Salad | Garlic, My SoulThe Cobb salad is a true California invention, so we recommend enjoying this outside in the sunshine if at all possible!

Let us know how you’ve been eating your leftover Easter eggs!



[addtoany] Yum


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