From Our Kitchen: Almonds + Books + Guts

Posted on by Jennie

Well, we made it to Friday again. Whew! That was a long one.

Old Montreal | Garlic, My Soul

Last week I was in Montreal for work, and today I head off on an exciting Avocado-themed weekend (more on that next week.) For this week, here are some things bouncing about in my head:

1. Speaking of avocados, this is an interesting article sent to me by not one but two friends who are concerned with the avocado situation (and want me to do something about it (which I am on)). As we head into a deeper drought and people really start to be aware of what’s going on in California, it’ll be interesting to see how the food world morphs.

2. This article about gut health and arthritis. Two people near and dear to GMS have RA and we’re glad to know there is research being done. I think the more research is done, the more will prove how important diet is to health over all – not just fitness, but diseases, allergies, etc. It’s time to get back to the earth…

Pollinators | Whole Foods Market

3. Speaking of which, Happy Earth Day Week! Did you do anything for the holiday? This really cool site from Whole Foods Market about pollinators makes my heart sing. A lot of you know I avoid almonds (even though I love them) because of the monoculture that they bring to California, and the way that affects, among other things, the bees. I am BEYOND excited to see that Whole Foods Market has introduced Pollinator Friendly Almonds and Almond Butter. Beyond. Like, going this weekend to get some. Look for some more almond recipes in the near future.

4. If there was ever a 30 before 30 worthy of GMS, it’s this one. This list of 30 recipes from the Kitchn will really up your kitchen game. If you live in LA and want help making any, give your girl a holla and I’ll come over.

5. Speaking of LA, you might have noticed that the blog now has my picture instead of Corelyn and me, and maybe that I’ve started saying I a lot. WELL that’s because Corelyn recently moved to Atlanta to, among other things, be closer to her family. While we were sad to see her go, I know that this just means we now have a BBQ in and a tree-centric city to retreat to when the palm trees get old. We are excited for her new adventures, and let’s be real – I still text her about blog related stuff on the regular.


6. BONUS NUMBER 6: You guys might not know this, but I happen to have had the coolest RA turned best friend in college. She is an author, and her book, 99 Days, came out this week. Katie Cotugno is a rockstar and her first book, How to Love, was a hit too. Get at reading them and tell me what you think!

Anyways, that’s what’s going on here. We hope that you had a great week, and that you have a good weekend planned…are you cooking anything up?


[addtoany] Yum


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