Guys, I love making up recipes, I really do. But sometimes, there is something out there that comes pre-made that is as good as I can do. Which takes me to this dip.
It starts with our friend, Adina (hey girl hey!) who makes this killer dip for parties that involves corn and beans and avocado and salsa of some kind and it’s effing good. I keep meaning to get the recipe from her, but I always fail. It’s perfect on chips and I can only imagine it’d be great as a layer in enchiladas or quesadillas.
So this past week, I’m at Trader Joe’s, and I see their Cowboy Caviar. I know, a dumb name, but you guys it’s delish. It’s a little spicier than I normally would go, but it’s worth it. So here’s a trick for perfect party dip: mix a jar of Cowboy Caviar with two diced avocados, and BAM. Something close to as good as Adina’s party dip. In basically no time. You don’t even have to tell anyone that’s how you made it. (Except, hey book club girls, that was what that dip was. Whoops.)
It’s great to throw together for a precursor to dinner if you’re short on time, or to add to your rotation for party foods – how easy would this be to bring to a friends? (Hint: so, so easy.)
Don’t have a TJs nearby? I’m sorry about that. Write me and tell me where you live and I’ll send you a jar. But, in the meantime, you can make a mean dip similarly with a jar of black beans, a jar of chunky salsa, some corn, and a jalapeƱo. Go forth and make perfect dip that everyone will be impressed with! Recipe below.

- 1 jar Cowboy Caviar Salsa
- 2 ripe avocados.
- 1 bag tortilla chips
Dice avocados. Add to jar of Cowboy Caviar Salsa and mix well.
Serve with tortilla chips and keep your secret well!
[addtoany] Yum