January Desktop Calendar

Posted on by Jennie

We’ve made it to 2017 intact, and there’s a lot to be said for that, folks. I love the new year because I love another chance at a fresh start, a new calendar on my desk, a new slew of recipes to try, new memories to make. Speaking of new, today’s calendar is done by a brand new addition to our team, Sîan. She’ll be illustrating our calendars going forward, and I am so excited to have her around (well, kind of, she lives in the UK, but this is a globalization thing, amiright?!)

She illustrated one of our fave recipes, Sweet Potato Cassoulet. So download below and enjoy a new graphic on your desktop every day. Happy New Year, folks!

(Psst…have a tablet? We’ve got a version for that, too – horizontal and vertical.)


[addtoany] Yum


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