Sneak Peek: photo shoot!

Posted on by Jennie

Because Jeff came with us on our photo shoot, you have the opportunity to see the behind the scenes photos from the photo shoot!! The morning of the shoot, we got up at 3:30 am to drive to Rebecca’s and be there by 4:15. Then we loaded cars, got the makeup we needed, and headed to the beach. We arrived just shy of 6:00 am, and started setting up, doing makeup, and finally shooting. The light was beautiful, and miraculously as we wrapped up the light became cloudy and the mist rolled in. We had a perfect, beautiful morning, however, and here is your sneak peek.

Note the fact that the sun isn’t up quite yet. Also note the runner…

Mary probably directing us, or yelling at me to stop starring at all the babies, or showing us a photo…

Yes, that is an oven we dragged onto the beach.

Please note the spot of sun. We arbitrarily picked a spot on the beach, and we were surprised to see the sun hit just that spot. Amazing!

I believe in this photo I just had spilled coffee all over myself. To which Mary said, “I don’t care that you spilled your coffee. The light! Smile!”

At some point, we put the music on Corelyn’s phone and stuck it in her apron pocket. I believe Paul Simon was playing at this point.

The sun was really  up here, so we had Mary and Becca jump in!

The photographer herself!!

Some more music playing, maybe Hanson? But I think really it was Paul Simon, again…

Check out Mary’s blog, too, because they’re some shots here, too.


[addtoany] Yum


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