Recipe Roundup: Eyeing Ideas for Thanksgiving Leftovers

Posted on by Corelyn

The Thanksgiving countdown has officially begun! In preparation, we’ve started collecting an arsenal of recipes that will help us use up all that leftover turkey and pumpkin! It’s a good thing, too, because we just placed the pre-order for a 28lb turkey for our Thanksgiving celebration.

First up: These amazing, fluffy, pumpkin biscuits. They’re vegan and made with whole wheat flour, so they must be healthy as well as delicious!

Next: We have to try this leftover Thanksgiving turkey curry. It will it use up some of those turkey leftovers in a dish with a completely non-thanksgiving flavor palette. Some curry over basmati rice will be a welcome change a few days after the holiday!

Then: Things might get a bit more ambitious. I hope we can find time to tackle these turkey meatballs and serve them with spaghetti squash! Turkey, Meatballs, and Spaghetti Squash are probably some of my top 10 favorite foods! This is too good to pass up.

As the planning for Thanksgiving gets underway, I’m also thinking about fuel to keep us on our toes during the long day in the kitchen. I’m thinking these easy breakfast sandwiches might be the perfect grab and go breakfast when I’m packing up the car and heading over to start cooking at the break of dawn.

What non-Thanksgiving foods are you getting excited to make with your leftovers?


[addtoany] Yum


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