As you guys might know, my parents were in town last weekend and we had one hell of a time! One of the things we did was drink delicious cocktails made from the orange blossoms in my backyard.
It started as a seedling of an idea when I realized that the fragrance in my backyard was actual our orange tree in full bloom. We started talking about how awesome it smelled, and it got me thinking that surely we could use the orange blossoms from something. After all, orange blossom water is a thing, right?
So we gathered some orange blossoms and I made a simple syrup then tossed in the washed orange blossoms and let them sit for like twenty minutes. I then strained out the blossoms, and made vodka sodas with a splash of orange juice and a tablespoon or so of the orange blossom simple syrup – and what a delight! I think we’ll be drinking these all spring long.
Don’t have a blossoming orange tree? You can get orange blossom water online or in some grocery stores, and you can use this to make your drinks – and if you have a water carbonator, like we do, you can even make your own soda water!
[addtoany] Yum