Lovin' It.

Posted on by Corelyn

Things I loved about this morning:

1. My McDonald’s breakfast. Yes I’m ashamed to say that this morning I splurged and treated myself to a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit, a hash brown, and a mocha McCafe. I am embarrassed. However, it was delicious and put me in a chipper mood that has not yet slipped away.

2. Ryan Seacrest reading aloud selections from ‘New Moon’ on the radio on my way to work. Priceless.

3. The surprisingly easy workout I just had. I did cardio for 30 minutes, my heart rate averaged 170 and I burned 300 calories, but I felt great and could have gone longer if I didn’t need to shower and get back to work. Perhaps the 850 calories I consumed in my Mickey D’s breakfast was somehow responsible for this burst in energy and productivity? Hmm. Unlikely.

It will be responsible for my resolve to cook a more nutritious meal tonight.  I’ve got three salmon filets in the freezer, brown rice and fresh okra from the farmers market that I plan to fix for myself, Jennie and either of the boys if they’re interested. Something tells me Jeff will opt for leftover pizza and Andrew will be mysteriously absent (today is his picture lock deadline).

You may be asking yourself, How does one cook Okra?

I wish I had this much okra

Well, I have no idea really. I’ve never done it before. A little internet research seems to indicate that the quickest and most popular way is to saute it with some garlic, onion, and green pepper. Since I have all those items, I’m going to do just that and throw in some cherry tomatoes for some color Maybe the boys will be persuaded to at least try it.

Hopefully it will be gorgeous and delicious. Pictures to come.


[addtoany] Yum


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