Sometimes you may make a cake or a bread, or some other recipe, that only calls for yolks. And you’ll think to yourself, what am I going to do with all these whites? I’ll be honest: sometimes, I’ve just thrown them out. But when you use ten eggs, you might find yourself second guessing the toss. So you might want to make a giant egg white omelette.
You’re going to want to dice an entire avocado for this one. Ten egg whites is a lot of egg whites.
You’re going to want to pour your whites into a pan with some olive oil, and then add your avocado and your cheese, or whatever your heart desires.
Give it a few minutes, then go ahead and fold it over.
Cut yourself a piece, and serve with some salsa! Or sour cream! Enjoy with a steaming cup of coffee.
What is your favorite addition to an omelette?
[addtoany] Yum