Thanksgiving Live Feed Tomorrow!

Posted on by Jennie

Garlic, My Thanksgiving | Garlic, My Soul

Hey turkeys!

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow? I sure can’t. We’ll be on Instagram all day @GarlicMySoul or #GMSThanksgiving2015 with what we’re doing in the kitchen.

For now, I’m kicking back and relaxing (JK JK I’m putting the kitchen together furiously – our contractor is still here finishing up the last few things!) and thinking about years past, like this Ghost of Thanksgivings Past post from last year. And I’m double checking all of my recipes, and patting myself on the back that someone is bringing a Pumpkin Pie…some year I will make this one.

Happy almost-Thanksgiving, you guys! Does anyone need any last minute guidance? Tweet at me and I’ll do my best to help ya out.

Until tomorrow!


[addtoany] Yum


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