Fried Whole Okra Recipe

Posted on by Jennie

Whole Fried Okra | Garlic, My Soul


1 pound whole okra, brushed of dirt
2 cups peanut oil (or other frying oil)
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup corn flour (maze)
cayenne pepper to taste


1. Take okra and place in buttermilk, just covered.
2. Heat up two cups of oil to 350 degrees. You can leave this on medium heat while you go to the next step.
3. Take cornmeal, flour, cayenne, salt and pepper, and mix together in a plate with a lip.
4. Now, take the okra out one at a time (once the oil reaches 350) and dip them in the cornmeal mixture, then place them in the oil (working in small batches!)
5. Give the okra about 30 second to one minute, until brown and crispy. Remove from heat and place on brown paper, paper towels, or something to soak up the excess oil. Repeat with all the okra and serve warm with remoulade.




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