Create Everyday {May}

Posted on by Jennie

We here at GMS have been working on a little something to get our creative juices flowing. We love creating recipes and photographs of those recipes for y’all, and we love having our dear from Megan illustrate things for us monthly for our desktop calendar as well as infographics now and then to show you guys how to make life a little easier in the kitchen.

Now that most people have a phone that takes pictures too, and most people take a photo (or five) every day, we figured we’d host a monthly challenge to get you to look outside the normal and find beauty in all things simple.

Create Everyday | Garlic, My Soul

So, for the month of May, we hope you’ll join us in using our words (thanks to Megan for creating the graphic above!) to help you create something – whether it be a photograph, or a drawing, or another form of art (crafts, painting, sketching, sand art, you get the idea…) we hope you’ll follow us on Instagram (@garlicmysoul) and join us as we make May a little more creative. Use the hashtag #createeverydaymay with your photos, and we just might feature them here in our roundups of our fave photos from the week!


[addtoany] Yum


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